Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011 Scrapbook Freebies

My Favorite today is below!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love the above kit.  However, over half of my viewers are English speaking.  This looks French.  If you are using Google Chrome as your browser click Translate at the top of the page (Love that about Google Chrome)  If not the French word for Download is "Télécharger ici" Or rather Download Here.  You'll find those words very far down on the page as the author has been generous in showing off her kit pages...Sooooo Darling.  I am super grateful for the internet today because I can see these gorgeous kits from halfway around the world.

There are more out there.  Check out Craft Crave and Creative Busy Hands.  These are just the ones that caught my eye and actually link to a free download.  I'll pop up some blinkies for Craft Crave and CBH in my right side bar for you.


  1. Thank you for posting my freebie - I agree with you also that some freebies found on Craft Cave and other sites are not all really free depending on what image is listed. Thank you again....Brenda

  2. Thank you very much !!!

    Yes, I would write my blog in english too... sorry, I will make it the next time... my english is very bad, but i would do my best ;-)

    Hugs sweetie & thank you again,


  3. Vive la France! I love that I was on a French site. It's like a vacation to France that I didn't have to pay for... Plus you have some of the best papers and elements out there.
